My Story
My Story began years ago with my cousin going to a consignment sale. She told me when she walked in she smelled this YUMMY smell and just had to know what it was.....It was Scentsy and the smell was Sugar Cookie.To make a long story short she bought, then had a party, then her friend had a party and then I had a party and we all got FREE STUFF! It was fun and exciting to get everyone together and smell all the scents. So many memories came back by just a smell. It was wonderful!Then.....My husband took a job out of town so we had to move but I didnt want to move away from Scenty! I became a consultant (at first) just for myself.Then there was the Scentsy Convention in Ft Worth Texas. I thought - How fun would that be and maybe I will meet others like myself. My Director was goiing as well so we went together. I have to say that was sooooo much FUN! I learned so much more about the company and how much they give to others and to other charities/communities that I was moved. Then they GAVE ( yes you read that right-GAVE) us ALL (over 12,000 people) free product after product after product. I was like a kid in a candy store! We all also raised, in just those 2 days, $25,000 for Halt the Hunger. Scentsy then matched it so we all DONATED $50,000 to the Halt the Hunger campaign. I was so touched!I have to say I was already in love with Scentsy but now that I knew so much more I came home and was so excited that I dove in and made myself a goal. I want to spread the word (and smells) to everyone! So enough of me.....Tell me about YOU!!Call me, e-mail me or text me anytime and let me show you why Im so excited. Lets have a party. It can be a catalog party, a basket party or a sit down and lets all have fun parrty. I have so much to share and you too can get FREE PRODUCT!!! Who doesnt like FREE?!?! So dont be shy.....Lets get some Scentsy into your home. Crystal Taylor-Hubbard580-491-9657Crystalt530@gmail.com